Thursday 16 April 2015

Stay at home Mumma - Monday 13th April 2015

Monday 13th April 2015

Wow!  2 hours sleep last night so I don't feel like playing the grown up.  Today I want to be the stay in bed teenager.  Dominique (my eldest) started breakfast conversation off with 'Mummy, why do we parp?'.  I know this is a cop out but it was early and I was tired therefore my response was 'ask your teacher'.

Not that Dominique's teacher parps a lot but because I didn't have the strength to go into the depths of bodily functions over my corn flakes.  I knew the answer would promote the 'WHY...' train of questions after. I sat wondering if any mother had ever poured Bailey's over their flakes to help them through the day!

Came home from school run and waited for my online shop to arrive while Gisele played with her sticker book.  Sat on the sofa and the next thing I know, I was being woken by a loud bang at the door and Gisele shouting 'Mumma, Mumma'.  The online shop had arrived and Gisele (aged nearly 2) wanted to be her usual helpful self. 'Der da duudda Mumma?' she said as she launched a Tampon box at me from the first carrier bag.  'You've got yer hands full' the driver said.  Was he talking about the fact I have periods or children?

I thought he was staring at my nether region a bit too much and discovered why as we stood waving him off (a ritual my daughter will not go without).  There it was.  The biggest smiley faced sticker I have seen, right on my crotch!  Gisele looked up at me almost as though she was thinking 'that's what you get for falling asleep on the sofa Mumma'.  The icing on the cake was the statement on the crotch sticker which read 'I DID IT'.  I've never claimed to be a nun but advertising it with my daughter's stickers isn't a good look.

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